Book: NSL, MS MNY 73 (Festetics Codex)

Created 1493


Format: Parchment, illuminated, 148 x 102 cm


  • Prayerbook
  • Psalmi septem (trans. Petrarch)
  • Ownership Details

    Benigna Magyar, Ownership Confirmed (1493) by Other.


    Csapodi, Csaba, and Klára Csapodiné Gárdonyi. Bibliotheca Hungarica: kódexek és nyomtatott könyvek Magyarországon 1526 előtt. [Bibliothecha Hungarica: codices and printed books in Hungary before 1526], vol. 1. Budapest: Magyar Tudományos Akadémia Könyvtára, 1988.: 235, Item 820

    Korondi, Ágnes. "Hungarian Psalm Translations and Their Uses in Late Medieval Hungary." In Vernacular Psalters and the Early Rise of Linguistic Identities: The Romanian Case, ed. Vladimir Agrigoroaei and Ileana Sasu (DAR Publishing, Muzeul National al Unirii, 2019), 64-72.: 64-72